

Difficult Weight Loss

Struggling with shifting excess weight for years and still unsuccessful? Then this is the diet plan for you - an individually tailored plan targeted to address underlying causes and drivers of weight gain including chronic conditions, illnesses like metabolic syndrome, endocrine disorders, PCOS and diabetes type I and II. It is a personalized structured comprehensive nutritional programme to successfully lose unwanted weight including excess fat deposits and to subsequently successfully manage your target weight within your healthy weight range. T and Cs apply.


Residual Excess Fat Loss

Are you at your last excess 4-5 kgs and struggling to reach your target weight? Then you need a metabolically stimulating nutritional plan to assist your body with getting rid of the residual amounts of excess weight. This is an individual nutritional programme that assists with re-engeneering of your metabolic responses and natural physiological processes to help you achieve your target weight within your healthy weight range. T and Cs apply.


Body Sculpting

This is a programme for clients already at their peak prime physique aiming to achieve an ultra toned muscle mass with a healthy total body fat percentage through a personalised nutritional programme and supplementation plan. T and Cs apply.


Stress Prevention and Adrenal Fatigue Nutrition

For clients under severe stress and going through metal burnout and adrenal fatigue due their work-life imbalances: long working hours, irregular sleeping patterns, continuous international travelling, sporadic eating patterns. This nutritional plan aims to stabilise essential biochemical recovery processes with targeted nutrition programme to maintain optimal and steady cellular energy levels as well as to prevent nutrient deficiencies settling due to prolonged exposure to chronic stress. T and Cs apply.


Corporate Wellness and Educational Seminars

Workshops and seminars tailored to your industry. I run various educational seminars on corporate health and wellbeing for both individuals and their corporate environments, as well as performing individual health checks that include: fitness testing, body composition analysis, cholesterol and lipids testing, food intolerances testing, oxygenation rates testing, blood pressure checks. I conduct various health and nutritional well-being workshops and presentations across London. T and Cs apply.



My professional clinical specialization is in the area of bariatric surgery nutrition - nutritional programmes for gastric banding and gastric bypass surgeries. I consult patients wanting to undertake these life changing surgeries on the most nutritionally effective methods of dietetic support before, during and after such surgeries. I offer comprehensive nutritional support programmes on post-surgical nutritional plans, supplementation regimes and common post-surgical deficiencies prevention. T and Cs apply.


Pre/Post Operative Care Nutrition

Comprehensive nutritional support programme on post-surgical eating methods, supplementation regimes, and nutritional deficiencies prevention for pre and post-surgery patients. I offer personalised diet plans that support patients who choose various essential and aesthetic surgeries, sports injury surgeries, liposuction procedures and many more. T and Cs apply.

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Digestive Health Nutrition

Tailor-made nutritional programmes offered to assist with management of existing or newly diagnosed digestive conditions such as: IBS, IBD, Coeliac, Crohn's, Diverticulosis, digestive intolerances and allergies, gastritis and gastric ulcers. T and Cs apply.


Pregnancy and Lactation Care Nutrition

Individual nutritional programmes to assist with pre-conception nutrition and nutritional support at all stages of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes prevention nutrition, as well as post pregnancy and lactation nutrition via personalised protocols and supplementation plans. T and Cs apply.